If you send me an email and/or sign up to the Reiki Renge mailing list then the only data I have from you is your email address.
If you come for a Reiki session then I have your name, address, number, email address, emergency contact details, GP information and your reason for seeking Reiki. I only collect data that is necessary.
Your data will be processed in a way that maintains security and confidentiality.
Your data will be held for 7 years, after which any written records from a Reiki session will be destroyed. Your email address will be kept so that you can be informed of upcoming events and offers, but you can unsubscribe from email newsletters at any point, just let me know.
I operate within the law and am transparent about my dealings with your data. Your data will not be passed to anybody else, unless you disclose to your GP that you have had Reiki. Your GP may get in touch with me to ask me about a Reiki session you may have had, so that the they can support you with any treatment they are providing for you.
You have the right to see the data I have on you, just ask me and I can organise this within four weeks. If you want me to delete all information I have about you, just ask.
Confidentiality and Scope of Practice
In a therapeutic setting all information given to a practitioner is confidential, however if a client expresses that they are in danger of harm or harming another person then confidentiality will be broken. If suicidal intention is expressed by the client, confidentiality will be broken with or without client consent and an appropriate professional will be informed in accordance with UK law in the Suicide Act 1961.
Reiki is a complimentary/ holistic therapy. It is not a sole alternative modality for trauma recovery. Reiki can ease symptoms of trauma, and is best accessed alongside recognised trauma recovery modalities. If you suspect you may have Acute Stress Disorder or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder/ Complex PTSD and are not receiving medically recognised trauma therapy, please look here for clinical support or search for EMDR or TF-CBT.
On rare occasions doctors(GPs and hospital doctors) may approach a healing practitioner and ask for their observations from a client’s records if they are under the care of this allopathic professional. Reiki practitioners are obliged to allow access to this information to medical professionals.
Reiki is not intended to diagnose or cure illness, rather to illicit the body's innate potential for healing.